How to Integrate QuickBooks POS with QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise

QuickBooks Point of Sale or POS is a revolutionary product that has helped small and medium-sized businesses, particularly retailers, restaurants and bars. With QuickBooks POS, businesses can now easily receive payments and have a concise as well as detailed record of the payments that they have received from their customers.

In this fast-moving business world, it is, however, also important that you have an updated information of all transactions on your smartphone or any other mobile device, and that too in both online and offline modes. And, this is when you need to integrate QuickBooks POS with QuickBooks Enterprise.

You can integrate QuickBooks Enterprise with POS with an assistance of QuickBooks Enterprise tech support services provider. A QuickBooks Enterprise tech support services provider helps you understand the requisite mechanisms essential for integrating POS with QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise.

You can  instantly connect to a QuickBooks Enterprise expert by dialing toll-free QuickBooks Enterprise support phone number. Well, before, you reach out to a QuickBooks Enterprise support experts, let’s discuss the nitty-gritty of integrating QuickBooks Enterprise with  QuickBooks POS.

Integration of POS with QuickBooks is Indispensable

Integration of QuickBooks POS with QuickBooks Enterprise is quintessential to achieve optimal accounting experience. Integration of POS with QuickBooks Enterprise ensures that you have updated and real-time information of all the transactions taking place in your business.

QuickBooks POS is best compatible with all the versions of QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise. Integration of these both saves your time from manual data entry and also helps you avoid data entry errors and inaccuracies.

Accuracy in Data Entry is Crucial

When you manually enter bulk data in multiple places then, there is always a chance of inaccuracy in data. And, inaccuracy in data, and that too related to financial transactions can have adverse consequences on your business.

To avoid data inaccuracy, it is, therefore, always recommended to sync or integrate QuickBooks accounting software with POS. When POS is synced with QuickBooks, then data related to transactions are automatically entered in both business ledger as well as POS.

Syncing of QuickBooks Enterprise with POS Offers a Gamut of Advantages

Integration of POS system with the QuickBooks Enterprise saves the time of your staffs and enhances business productivity by manifold. An integrated POS system makes your business robust by configuring iPad or any other device to register payments, receive orders, track inventory and do other customer related activities.

The preconfigured POS system with QuickBooks Enterprise  also makes day-to-day business tasks of staffs and you. You can have anytime access to different critical activities, and your staffs don’t require a high-level professional training or expertise to have control over different technologies that you use to stimulate end-user needs of customers.

All in all, integration of QuickBooks with POS lets you and your business simultaneously enter data in multiple places and makes your team and business more efficient. In this blog post, let’s further discuss a few critical steps that need to be followed while integrating QuickBooks accounting software with QuickBooks POS.

3 Steps for Integrating POS with QuickBooks Enterprise

After understanding the importance of POS integration with QuickBooks Enterprise, now you may be having a question, how to integrate Point of Sale (POS) system with QuickBooks. To answer your question, here are the steps you need to follow for seamless integration of these two amazing QuickBooks products.

1. Work on the POS Server

This is the very first step that needs to be followed while integrating QuickBooks with POS. POS server is the computer where data files of POS it stored, and you need to use it to run daily business operations. Now, you have to open the financial data file and then, launch QuickBooks POS.

2. Open Company Preferences in POS

The second step for integrating QuickBooks with POS is to open Company Preferences menu of POS, and then, double-click Financial, which is in the left column.

3. Click on Use with QuickBooks

After following the second step, go to the right of the column, and click on the box that is named with “Use with QuickBooks accounting software”. At this point in time, QuickBooks POS will look at the QuickBooks accounting software running on the same computer, and will automatically connect to the financial data file that is open. And, then, it will pop-up a confirmation message asking if the correct file is connected or not.

Keep QuickBooks Support Services Provider by Your Side

By following the above-mentioned steps QuickBooks Enterprise with QuickBooks POS can be easily integrated. However, many a time, there are concerns related to the safety of data file, and users will be able to connect and access a data file or not. To ensure there doesn’t occur any such issues, it is always advisable to keep an experienced QuickBooks POS support service provider by your side, and then, only follow these steps.