Top 5 QuickBooks Apps

Intuit’s QuickBooks, being compatible with a host of third party software, also lends itself to some neat customizations when you pick the right QuickBooks App for the purpose. App choices are aplenty and generally cater to diverse business requirements.  Selecting the right app may seem a little confusing as each has its unique benefits, but you can make use of the free trial period to arrive at the best fit.  We’ll take you through five impressive QuickBooks apps that can vastly increase the efficiency of your business operations.


Tracking employees’ attendance and work hours, accurately, is necessary to make sure their efforts are suitably compensated. The TSheets time tracking app helps keep tab on the employee reporting, irrespective of whether at office or on site.  GPS tracking makes real time reporting possible, while the integration with QuickBooks ensures automatic update of timesheet data, thus cutting down on time spent on manual time sheet submission and payment consolidation.  It is also possible to create and schedule shifts using the app.


Managing expenses manually is a tedious process, especially when working with paper receipts. With Expensify, this mundane task is vastly simplified.  All one needs to do is upload a photo of the receipt along with few pieces of mandatory information using the app for it to be processed for reimbursement.  As all details are registered in the system, tracking and processing expenses not only becomes easier but it is also possible to regulate payments systematically to avoid any cash crunches that are common when expenses are processed on a monthly basis.


This intuitive app backed by artificial intelligence can warn you of any mismatches in the income and expense records that are being updated into the accounting system.  It is particularly useful if you want to track financial transactions under meaningful labels that make sense to you, rather than use the standard categories used in conventional accounting.  Once the app is installed and integrated with QuickBooks, you’ll have to send all invoices and receipts to the app using the e-mail id mapped to your Billbeez account. Details will eventually get through to QuickBooks. It is possible to view these bills and settle them using Intuit’s app, with payment getting updated back to QuickBooks.

Method CRM

Customer relationship is a key function that businesses need to tackle with care, and the multifunctional Method CRM app helps you build your entire business around your clients.  You can create customer-friendly self-service portals right on your website, interact with them and service their orders and queries promptly, keeping track of every single invoice, shipping and payment transaction. The app makes is easy for sales personnel to share leads, follow customer buying patterns and preferences without having to check QuickBook invoices, and respond better to customer expectations.

SOS Inventory

SOS Inventory enhances or rather expands the scope of QuickBooks Online, adding Order management, inventory, production and invoicing functions to the existing features. You can now create sales orders, pick and pack slips, shipment orders and invoices apart from tracking production and movement of items from inventory. Multi-location support makes this app quite valuable for manufacturers active in different locations.

These are just but 5 of the best QuickBooks Apps that can add value to business firms. If you are using QuickBooks to run your business, these apps are a must-try before you invest in a suitable subscription plan.  In case you are planning to switch to QuickBooks, the Transaction Pro Importer app is definitely a must-have!

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